A Missing Girl……..

A couple of days back, it was at about 9.00 pm, when I got a telephonic call from a teacher of my school that a girl from Class IX had not reached her home after school hours. My school closes at 1.40 pm. I was on an official tour to some schools of Himachal Pradesh and returned home.
Where had she gone? What might have happened to her? Such questions started haunting me. I got disturbed. I got the telephone of her parents and spoke to them. They were also ostensibly perturbed. My phone was picked by a lady who said that she was an army officer. I inquired about the whereabouts of the girl. She told me that an FIR had been lodged in local police station and they were trying to talk to their relatives and friends. But there was no clue. This girl is a distant relative of this army officer who along with her mother stays with her.
Throughout night there was no clue.  Next day one of my teachers sent me an SMS that she has been found  in the house of a student of class X with whom she was seen last yesterday. The parents of the girl were also informed who immediately rushed there to bring her home.
Next day she was sitting in her class as usual. I called her to my office along with her parents. Her mother along with that lady army officer reported in my office. I asked them where she had gone. I was told  that after attending the school she boarded a local bus and reached Chandigarh railway station from where she boarded a train which was bound for Daulatpur Chowk in Una Himachal Pradesh. This happens to be the last station on that route. She reached here at 6.33pm. On reaching here she asked a co passenger for a mobile as she wanted to send some message to her friends on Instagram. Co- passenger had no phone. She said that her brother was coming to take her and he would have a phone. She would then provide her a phone. That so happened. She sent a message to one of her friends on Instagram. She was unable to contact her friends.Then one by one all passengers left the station. It was growing darker and darker.  She was left all alone. She was left with no other alternative than to spend night lonely in one of the compartments of that train. And this is what she did.
Next morning was  Sunday. The train chugged off  in the morning from Daulatpur to Chandigarh. She had Rs 400/-. On her way back she had eaten a cake and drunk a cold drink. At about 11.00 hrs. she reached Chandigarh. She got down and requested a person for the mobile who did not pay any heed to her request. Then again she requested some other lady for a phone who was kind enough to lend her phone. From there she contacted one of her friends of class X with whom she was seen last near the bus stop by some students of the school yesterday. This phone was picked up by the father of her boy friend   and he asked her where she was. She told him the location which was very close to their home. He asked her to stand wherever she was and said that he would soon come to pick her up. He took her to their house. Thus she was recovered. Her parents were informed and they came to pick her up. Had her train moved towards Delhi-the picture of this story would have been different. Himachal Pradesh is comparatively low violence prone area.

I asked her the reason of her running away. She said that her class teacher had threatened her to get her Transfer Certificate issued from school as she was behind the fight which had taken place outside the school  premises  a day back in which one of her class fellows was badly beaten by some of her boyfriends because he was frequently following her after school hours up to her house. He was also coming to her home on the pretexts of getting note books/books. He had also proposed her friendship through a letter.  She did not like this.  This was also not liked by some other boys of the school who were already her friends. Rivalry became the bone of contention.
Had there been no fight amongst the boys outside the school two days ago and had  mother of that boy, who was beaten, not come to school next day –the situation would have been different. Had the teacher not threatened her with the consequence of issuance of her Transfer Certificate from the school-most probably she would not have fled away.
Whenever teachers confront with such indiscipline-they normally try to act like investigating police officers. Issuing such threats to students which might result into taking extreme steps by them might put the concerned teacher into a very difficult situation. The teacher should have brought the issue either to the notice of school Counsellor or Principal. They would have handled the situation differently. 
Now imagine, had this student taken some extreme step and had she written the name of the teacher on a paper chit mentioning the behavior of the teacher responsible for her extreme action and had the police got that chit written by such student-the life of the teacher would have been reduced to hell by now.
There is growing indiscipline in the school going boys and girls. They spend a lot of time on social media sites and develop relations with unknown people. They chat for hours together with their class fellows, school friends and with unknown people. And sometimes parents do not even smell about the involvement of their children on social media sites. They get exposed to porn sites. Parents feel that their children are doing some home assignments on internet but in return most of them betray the trust of their parents. And this girl was like such students. Her Class teacher had also retrieved a Diary from her in which she had written some of her un-forgetful experiences. She was also involved with outside boys and I do not have the courage the pen down those things for public discourse.
Parents are advised to keep a close watch on their children especially on their usage of internet. The parents who do not know how to use mobile phones or those who blindly feel that their children will always use them for constructive purposes are usually deceived by their children. Please keep a check.
Teachers need to act professionally. Whenever they confront some indiscipline-they should not create a situation in which they fall prey to their own actions. They need to record it on paper and submit that to the Counsellor of the school. The Counsellor, in turn, should also involve teachers ,parents and Principal in finding a viable solution. Any mishandled situation may create unexpected problems for teachers and school.


  1. After reading this sir only question came in my mind that our youth doesn't know the use of mobile. parents should keep an eye upon their children

  2. It is through experience that knowledge of right and wrong comes.
    Some similar incidents happen occasionally in residential schools. I also got the opportunity to work in residential schools. How vigilantly and wisely we try to solve such a situation, but sometimes the opposite happens.
    Jugal Kishore Sir, you shared your experience. Guided parents and teachers.
    I hope teachers and guardians will be alert and aware of their children in such situations, so that their future can be bright

  3. नमस्कार सर,
    आपके द्वारा बहुत ही संक्षिप्त और सुंदर शब्दों में बताया गया कि बतौर शिक्षक हमारे क्या कर्तव्य हैं। आज के समय में छात्रों में मीडिया के माध्यम से अनुशासनहीनता बढ़ती जा रही है। बच्चों के जिस कार्य के लिए एक शिक्षक को जिम्मेदार ठहराया जाता है, क्या उसके लिए अभिभावकों की कोई जिम्मदारी नहीं है, जो 17-18 घंटे घर में उनके पास रहता है। अपने बच्चे के बारे में सभी अभिभावकों को पता होता है कि वह क्या कर रहा है, कहां जाता है, किससे मिलता है, फिर जब वही बच्चा स्कूल या स्कूल के बाहर कुछ भी गलत करता है तो सारी जिम्मेदारी एक शिक्षक पर थोप दी जाती है। एक शिक्षक से तो एक आदर्श नागरिक बनाने की उम्मीद तो की जाती है पर किसी बच्चे को कुछ कहने का अधिकार नहीं दिया जाता है। यह तो वही बात हुई ना कि एक कुम्हार से कहा जाए कि उसे मिट्टी का मटका बनाना है, मिट्टी अच्छे से मथनी है पर उसे पिटना नहीं है, चाक पर मटका बनाते हुए सहलाना तो प्यार से है पर उसे मजबूत बनाने के लिए हाथ की थाप नहीं देनी है। वैसे हवा में ही सुखा कर मजबूत करना है, आंच नहीं लगनी चाहिए। क्या ऐसी स्थिति में मटका मजबूत बन पाएगा? नहीं, बिल्कुल नहीं। क्या छात्रों के बीच एक शिक्षक की यही छवि रह गई है कि शिक्षक अपना हर तरफ से तिरस्कार सह कर भी समाज को आदर्श बनाने के कार्य में लगा रहे। अगर ऐसा है तो शिक्षकों की नहीं अपितु कंप्यूटर की जरुरत है, जो केवल बताने का काम करे, कुछ कहने का नहीं। गलत होता देखकर मूक बना रहे और बोलने पर खुद ही गलत साबित हो जाए। आजकल के शिक्षाविदों ने अपने ही समय की शिक्षा प्रणाली को बदलने का बहुत बड़ा कदम तो उठा लिया पर क्या अपने समय के शिक्षकों द्वारा मारी गई डांट को भूल गए हैं। आज वही कुछ जिंदगी के जिस मुकाम पर हैं शायद कहीं ना कहीं उनके शिक्षकों द्वारा किए गए मार्गदर्शन, उनकी डांट, उनके प्यार का कुछ तो असर रहा होगा।
    अंत मैं बस इतना ही कहना चाहूंगा कि जिस प्रकार आपने सुझाव दिया है कि एक शिक्षक को केवल एक मार्गदर्शक का काम ही करना चाहिए, बिल्कुल होना चाहिए पर कहीं ना कहीं एक शिक्षक को छात्रों के दूसरे अभिभावक होने की जिम्मेवारी भी वहन करने की आजादी होनी चाहिए।
    संजय रोहिल्ला

  4. Thanks for your opinion. You have very aptly developed upon the issue. I never said that you do not give appropriate heat to the pot. Heat cannot be provided simply by beating or humiliating the students. When you reprimand a student when he/she is wrong- normally they do not negatively react to that. But when you mishandle and try to over do the things-you may fall in the trap yourself.
    The pot needs to be heated appropriately with the heat of pedagogical preparedness, the heat of remediation and care.
    But if some student commits a suicide and mentions the name of a teacher due to whose mishandling he did so- you may well imagine the consequences.
    In case of indiscipline- teachers need to be extra cautious. This will enhance their safety. Otherwise in bad time even your own shadow leaves your company. This may be true not only to teachers but to Principals also.
    You have very nicely expressed
    Your opinion.

    1. Thanks Sir for your valuable guidance about use of pedagogical methods not even in our teachings but also in dealing with such type of cases.
      Thanks 🙏

    SMD Little Champ Smart School Panchkula

  6. Dear Sir
    Good job!
    You have handled the situation in a manner that shows your maturity in your modus operandi. Well done sir.
    We all know about the tenderness of this age. It needs to be handled dedicatedly. No doubt you handled very carefully. 👍
    Every case history leaves so many questions for all of us. Questions are not new. But regular dose of sensitization to the stake holders becomes our dire need.
    कहतें हैं कि खून गर्म होता है।इसके साथ एक और शब्द जुड़ गया है that is intolerance ।
    हम प्रतिक्रिया बहुत शीघ्र दे देते हैं
    We have to review the things. Responsibilities of the society has increased in a different way.
    Our new generation is passing through the era of knowledge explosion.
    And adolescent thinks that he is onlyohaving latch key.All people around him/her know nothing.
    Information technology, ambitious parents, permissive parents , unhealthy competition, lack of desired knowledge are some of the factors which has misguided our youth and problems became challenges.
    Now what to be done or what next?
    As you studied the case, involved the parents, involved the matured staff ND sorted out the problem.
    We have to orient the parents at regular intervals, guest lectures for learners i.e. students to sensitize them,
    How to use technology is another issue, along with the completion of syllabus we have to search time for the classes to sensitize, students, teachers , parents nd society.
    One thing above all is honest nd dedicated efforts. As leader one has to increase the circle of like minded people to think in the same direction Good Luck

    1. This blog was written in the case of adolescents.


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